Field Notes

How Traceable is Easy Jose Coffee?

How Traceable is Easy Jose Coffee?

Traceability should start with the farmers. Giving them this recognition and reputation allows more incentive for a consistent crop. This ultimately leads to a better plan for the future of...

7 Eco-friendly Ways to Upcycle your used Coffee Grounds

7 Eco-friendly Ways to Upcycle your used Coffee...

Contrary to what you might have thought, your home coffee experience does not have to be finite. You may think that after sniffing the sweet aromas from your bag, extracting...

What is Biodiversity and Why is it Important?

What is Biodiversity and Why is it Important?

Biodiversity is essential for a healthy life on earth. Our planet’s rich, diverse ecosystems might seem like they are here to stay, but they’re actually very vulnerable to breaking down...

Visiting the Mayni in 2021

Visiting the Mayni in 2021

One of the delights of visiting our partners at origin is undoubtedly their warm hospitality and the fun we have when there. Whenever we visit the communities we’re always welcomed...